Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wood fire results

I've uploaded 19 photos to my Flickr account to show off the wood fired results of the past 2 firings.

Check for "Mariki" This link should take you to my woodfire pottery set. Please let me know if the link works. I will add sizes and prices to them this weekend. Wall hanging vases run from $45 - $50. Vases run from $50 - $75.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Noborigama wood firing results 3/17/11

Mini teapot

Oil Lamp

Heart pot

Holey vase

The results.

More photos to come. I will be setting up a backdrop and taking portfolio photos of these Sunday.

Is it really almost April???

Wow how time flies.

I have been busy with making more wall hanging vases and a few other items for wood firing. I hope to take photos of the results of the past two firings this weekend.

I'm also contemplating a Gallery website for my pieces, but that might entail me learing CSS or some other web type thing so I can program my own site.

At any rate, thank you for your patience. Look for more pieces soon.

Oh yes, my next sale is April 30 - May 1st at Blossom Hill Crafts. Hope to see you there!