Last Tuesday night, I had to teach because the teacher for the night was ill. So, I wasn't very productive. I was able to throw a vase though, and use up some left over clay. The wood firing season is winding down. It was definitely longer than last year. We were lucky this year because it's been so wet and rainy. I think we might even be able to fire into August.
At any rate, I will be throwing more vases but mixing up the colors and using regular cone 10 glazes in a regular firing. I might do some reduction fired vases (shinos, black tenmoku and such). Just need to mix up the colors a bit. And vases can be fun.
Last Sunday, I threw 6 bowls for my cousin and her fiancee. I also threw 10 plates. Each piece was bout 1.5 lbs. And...

will eventually have illustrations like the above painted on them. Currently, I have 8 or so dried plates to paint on. The cute Cthulu above is the first of many.
These plates are kind of a new direction in which I'm taking my pottery. Also, I'm trying to prepare for a show called the Alternative Press Expo in October.
Wish me luck!