Well, the September sale at Blossom Hill Crafts is done. Next year, we will have the sale a bit later in the month which will hopefully mean we get more customers. Having a sale on the 10th anniversary of the attacks of September 11 may not have been the best timing for us. At any rate, I am busily getting ready for the Alternative Press Expo in San Francisco, October 1-2.
I have a few more plates to paint and I'm finishing up some carved and underglazed work. I'm trying a more water color look instead of solid blocks of color AND I'm going to fire the porcelain to cone 5 instead of 10. I think I need to switch to cone 5 porcelain. I don't know if it will be any cheaper, but it might take the glaze better and well, it's meant to be finished at that temperature.
At any rate, here are my latest carved pieces:
The Spiderwoman. Yes, this is the same pattern as was on an
underglazed plate. I wanted to try carving it and seeing how it would turn out. There is some issue with the face and the height levels of what I'm carving. Thank goodness for the learning process, right? At any rate, I need to do some fine tuning on her, but she is almost done. Talk about cutting this to the wire! I have to get this all painted up by Sunday.

And here's my Asian Dragon. After discussing some of my underglazed work with a fellow potter and noticing the brush strokes and how not all the blocks of color were solid, my friend said that she was using some very thin coats of underglaze on her pendants. So, I decided to try this on a larger scale and see what happens.

It looks pretty cool now. We'll see how it turns out once it has been fired.