Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Treewoman and Angels and Kitties

Treewoman, kitties and angels are all cooling in the Noborigama/Salt kiln. I get to see them tomorrow night. Will post pictures of them!

The drying pieces

Tonight, I get to load a bisque kiln of all 39 espresso cups, 11 bowls, 6 egg cups and 3 teapots. As well as 4 quarter bagger bowls (clay comes in 25lb bags. I split it up into 4 pieces and threw bowls out of them. The clay is Big Sur and well, my bowls are heavier than I'd like them to be. However, they were thrown from around 6 - 8lbs each, so, I guess it's kind of to be expected.

Still, I hold myself to higher standards :D

I also made some pendants out of Precious Metal Clay using the claystamps above. The pieces are cooling in the kiln right now. I'll post photos of those later today.


  1. I remember suggesting you make those into jewelery!! I'm helping! Btw, do you think that you can maybe teach me basic wheel throwing before Feb? I'm taking a class for "Alternative wheelthrowing techniques" but I haven't taken basic (not offering it this semester :/). There's not prereq, but I'd like to know something before I take the class so I don't look like a complete idiot. Just a partial idiot. hehe

  2. Yea, I can teach you some basic throwing. Takes more than once a week to get ok, but we can definitely do stuff before February. I have the week between Christmas and New Year's off and will be doing a bit of wood firing. But also have time to do other stuff, if I'm not moving that is... keep your fingers crossed that I get to move soon...
