Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I'm back!

So, I did take some time off right after the Christmas sale and then, I decided to do some fun stuff first. I've also been working on some new work for the wood soda kiln. I made 4 wall hangers and 2 vases for the last firing at the end of January. They turned out great! Pictures to come.

But, first the fun stuff. Here is a lizard/dragon jar.

And my latest sculpture. it's female. I'm kind of happy with some of the folds. I actually feel like I got some right. But once, I had that feeling, the next fold just didn't seem to work as well.

Here's the back side.

I'm also working on stackers for some future wood soda firings. I didn't really care for the shape of this one, so I added a heart cut out to it. It's hard to fit it back into the cutout if the shape isn't completely symmetrical. But, I managed to make it work.

More wall hanging vases. This time, I threw the upright. Tonight, I will head back and 'throw' trim the bottoms to get that nice closed shape. Let's see if this works better than the throwing upside down type.


  1. Epic! These are awesome Marlene. I can't wait until I have some duckets and space to support the arts better.I'll be knockin' on your door.

  2. Me thinks you are too critical, dear. Those feminine folds looked great to me!
