Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hippo Candy Jar

Here is one of the Hippo Candy Jars that I made. I was commissioned to make one for a man who wanted one for his wife. As advised by Joanne, the owner of Blossom Hill crafts, I made two. Just in case.

This hippo took about 15 - 17 lbs of clay to make. The body is completely hollow. The mouth is where the candy (jelly beans) will go. There are holes on the bottom of the hippo's feet that lead into the body part. That way we won't get any explosions.

Once the hippo was a bit dry, I started underglazing it with Western brand underglazes. I'll have to take a photo of the interior of his mouth next time so you can see the uvula. Now, I didn't make a hole between the head and the body just in case a stray jelly bean slipped through the hole. You'd never be able to get it out!

There's his cute little tail.

I'm currently bisque firing this hippo. He and his twin will be cone 5 clear glazed over the weekend. I can't wait to see them when they're completely done!

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