Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Gandalf statue part 2

Here he is, all put together. I think I could have added some detail under his beard to show the neckline of his robes. Still, I am pretty happy with how he turned out. And his hands make me really happy.

The only thing I am concerned about is the connection point of his staff to his hands. I think there is potential for breakage on his arms in general. We shall have to see. Right now, he's in the process of drying slowly. I think I'll keep him drying until right before Thanksgiving. That's when we are firing next. Survive, Gandalf, survive!


  1. oh my gosh! AWESOME!!!!! i know i've said that like 10 times, but for real!!! survive! though if he doesn't, you can just remake him as gandalf the white. ;)

  2. I love him!!! You did an amazing job!

  3. he looks great.. did he survive ???
